【招生策略】【2017】Students' academic performance from multiple college entrance channels (AIR Forum 2017)

AIR Forum 2017

會議:AIR Forum 2017
主題:Students' academic performance from multiple college entrance channels


Program Book Abstract
This study investigated the academic achievement of students who were admitted via
three college entrance channels, namely 1) the united entrance examination, 2) individual application, and 3) high school recommended, in one of the top universities, National Central University, in Taiwan. The results indicated that prior to college, students’ academic performance followed the order of the college entrance channels. During their time at college, however, the pattern of the ranking of the students’ performance was totally reversed. This paradoxical phenomenon leads to discussions regarding quota allocations for each channel. The presentation explores possible reasons for the results, and identifies research ideas for future investigations.

Target Audience Experience Level: Intro/Beginner

Keywords: academic performance, entrance channels, equity, Taiwan